
Leader features articles about how students run their organizations more effectively
and ethically. We're constantly on the lookout for new tips on these subjects:
Tips on how to run your
organization, including how to recruit new members, how to motivate and reward your staff,
delegate effectively, manage your time as a campus leader, work with your administration,
and more.
Fund raisers that work, particularly unusual or
creative ideas that other schools can use
Money-saving ideas for student groups to
maximize their limited budgets
Unique leadership-development programs around
the country
Unusual clubs or organizations
Publicity ideas for student groups and events
Effective strategies on how to get along with
campus media and get better coverage
How to get students to vote in campus elections
Unique volunteer and community-service centers
and how they were set up
And much moregive us your ideas!
Most of our articles come from conversations
with subscribers and campus leaders, so there's a good chance that we can use your idea.
All you have to do is contact Student Leader:
By Mail:
Student Leader Article Ideas
c/o Oxendine Publishing, Inc.
Anna Campitelli, editor
P.O. Box 14081
Gainesville, FL 32604-2081
By Phone: (352) 373-6907,
ext. 112
By Fax: (352) 373-8120
By E-mail:
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